Message Board
Wanting to meet with football players from the 1972 Lancer football team

Please contact me if you played on the 1972 Lancer varsity football team.  I'd like to get all the players together so we can go through the original newspaper stories and pictures taken of our season.  I have a book loaded with stories and action pictures taken by two newspaper staffs from 40 years ago.  Would love to share it with anyone connected with our football team that year.

Chris Pruitt
Those who are signed up to come....
Carol (Alrick) Lang
Joel Balbien
Robbye (Bjerke) Wolf (2)
Tom Bleakly (2)
Barbara Brown
Edward Canales (2)
Mike Casley
Dana Cancaro '71
Jill (Connley) Gomes (3)
Roger Debruno (2)
Donn Dietz ’74 (2)
Patsy (Donahue) Pettis ‘72
Sandy Eagan
Marty Estel (2)
Sue (Gorcey) Miller (2)
Bart Gudmundson
Dwight Harvey
Mike Hubbard (2)
Linda (Hus) Johnson
Todd Johnson
Art Kautz
Steve Kirshner (2)
Elizabeth (Knittle) Hillis
Susan Lang
Terri (Leff) Guess (2)
Janet (McBrien) Tetzlaff (2)
Val McKinnon
Shelly (Milliken) Wilhelm (2)
Jeanie Mortensen
Marla (Munsterman) Gagnon
Kerry Nelson
Dennis Nester (2)
Marlyn Pauley
Robin (Payson) McEwen
Ron Peters
Terry (Pratt) Salazar (2)
Steven Pratt '74
Chris Pruitt
Robin (Pruitt) Tillemans
Jamie Pryor
John Rarick
Tracey Settle (2)
Kyoko Shibata
Laura Sladek
Phil Sulzman
Melinda Tenzer
Phillip (Jeff) Taylor
Bert VanAuker '71
Sylvia (VanAuker) Johansen
Jane (Voelker) Ogne
Debra (Warner) Punch (2)
Scott Williamson
Charles Wilson (2)
Danny Young '72
(* Sorry about the space/gaps... can't adjust with the update)


There are more names to post... let everyone know... can't wait to see you all there....

Kerry Nelson
20 Year Reunion Video

Hello Everyone.

I was rummaging around in some boxes I found in  the garage and came across a VHS Cassette that was from the 20 Year Reunion.  It's so ridiculously bad its funny.  I posted it on Youtube. Its rather long and gets boring but scan through it for a few laughs.  It can be viewed at the following link:


Roger DeBruno

Roger DeBruno
Colleen Mc Cann Kelleher says Hello & see you soon.

I will be attending but Kevin will be a miss.  We had already obligated ourselves to watch the Grandsons that week-end but Kevin said go.  I don't do Face-book so he told me about the reunion and then one of my Best High School Friends said we're going.  It's all her fault.  See you all, please say Hi and catch me up on what you're up to and what you love to do these days.  If my memory's foggy I'm blaming it on old age!

Blessings to all!

Colleen Mc Cann Kelleher

Colleen Mc Cann Kelleher
latest names.... want to add your to the me....


Carol (Alrick) Lang

Joel Balbien

Robbye (Bjerke) Wolf (2)

Tom Bleakly (2)

Barbara Brown

Steve Cameron

Edward Canales (2)

Dana Cancaro ‘71

Mike Casley

Mary Jane Clark

Elizabeth (Conn) Niccoli

Jill (Connley) Gomes (3)

Roger Debruno  (2)

Donn Dietz ’74 (2)

Patsy (Donahue) Pettis ‘72

John Duarte '71

Frank Duleba

Sandy Eagan

Marty Estel (2)

Karren (Foley) McDonald

Sue (Gorcey) Miller (2)

Bart Gudmundson

Dwight Harvey

Mike Hubbard (2)

Linda (Hus) Johnson

Todd Johnson

Art Kautz

Steve Kirshner (2)

Elizabeth (Knittle) Hillis

Audrey (Kretschek) Siles

Susan Lang

Terri (Leff) Guess (2)

Karla (Lysdal) Moffit

James Manley

Janet (McBrien) Tetzlaff (2)

Colleen (McCann) Kelleher

Val McKinnon

Don McMaster (2)

Shelly (Milliken) Wilhelm (2)

Jeannie Mortensen

Barry Mullen (2)

Marla (Munsterman) Gagnon

Gerald Naegeli

Kerry Nelson

Dennis Nester (2)

Marlyn Pauley

Robin (Payson) McEwen

Ron Peters

Terry (Pratt) Salazar (2)

Steven Pratt ‘74

Chris Pruitt

Robin (Pruitt) Tillemans

Jamie Pryor

John Rarick

Dennis Russell (2)

Tracey (Settle) Wright (2)

Kyoko Shibata

Laura Sladek

Frank Smith (2)

Phil Sulzman

Melinda Tenzer

Ed Taylor (2)

Phillip (Jeff) Taylor

Bert Van Aulker ’71

Sylvia (VauAulker) Johanson

Jane (Voelker) Ogne

Debra (Warner) Punch (2)

Brad & Bianca Weinstein

Steve Wiley ’71

Scott Williamson

Dave Willoughby

Charles Wilson (2)

Kerry J Nelson
sorry I wont be there tonight

Love you all!!!


Danny Young
Just got home...

Just got home from the reunion... I feel so blessed to have been around some of the most wonderful people. I want to thank the most awsome group of people that helped out.. Marty Estel, Linda (Hus) Johnson, Sue Lang, Val McKinnon, Marla (Munsterman) Gagnon, Marlyn Pauley, Robin Payson, Terry (Pratt) Salazar,  Ed Taylor & Jeff Taylor.

I also want to thank all of you who took the time to come, I've reconnected with so many dear friend...

Let's not be strangers, and keep in touch....

For you who were unable to make it, we sure missed you, and looking towards the next meet up...

Blessings to all...



Jeff Taylor

I had such a wonderful time and I can not wait till the next one let us all keep in touch we all looked great 

love ya all 


Robin McEwen Payson
An awesome reunion!

To all of you who worked so hard to plan our reunion, you did an amazing job! Thanks so much for an incredible evening.

After I got home, I immediately wished I could go back. I didn't get around to talk to everyone I wanted to. And some of you, I wanted to have a longer conversation with.

Thanks everyone for putting in the effort to be there. It was a great night!

Jane Voelker Ogne

Jane Voelker